
“Although I wish the conference could have been in person so I could have met other researchers in Denver, I find myself very lucky to have worked with my team, and to have been able to participate in the CAT Vehicle REU program," said Christopher Kreienkamp, whose presentation was through a YouTube video due to the COVID-19 policies of the conference.  Kreienkamp and his partner Daniel Fishbein, were part of CAT Vehicle 2019.

Daniel Fishbein (Missouri State University)
 Kreienkamp (University of Notre Dame)

Video about Chris's CAT Vehicle Project: showing that a vehicle with FollowerStopper in a singular lane without merges will not crash and that it will be string stable, effectively dissipating human-caused traffic waves if enough vehicles are deployed in the traffic flow.

Video of Daniels project: checking whether the velocity controller, FollowerStopper, is safe and string stable. 

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